Awhile back, I made a post about one of my favorite business films, "Wall Street." And, now the sequel is coming out. Though, I'm not sure how well this film will be executed it will still be interesting to see how it all pans out.
According to Wikipedia, the film is set to release on September 24, 2010.
Though the old trailer did not reveal much about the movie, the new trailer had more to offer. Check it out!
p.s. If anyone out there has any seen any good business and/or real estate related movies you've enjoyed, I'd definitely be interested in hearing about them. I'm an avid moviegoer, it's one of the things I enjoy doing. Thanks for reading!
New Trailer
Video Link
Old Trailer
Video Link
I am SO excited for this movie. I don't expect it to be as awesome as the first but I am excited anyway!! WOOHOO. Happy weekend Rachel.
This will be a good one! Did you ever watch Boiler Room? That was pretty wild...
(Julie) Me too, Julie! It's weird because the new trailer has a different feel than the old trailer - it's almost as if the focus is different. Though, it will be interesting to see how this film pans out!
(Shae) Ah yes, good pick Shae. Boiler Room was a pretty wild movie, great cast and great story!
Thanks gals for stopping by, have a good weekend!
p.s. If you gals like movies, I highly recommend Christopher Nolan's new film, "Inception." It's such an awesome movie, definitely a mind trip with a very interesting concept! :)
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