Just an update on my first mobile home move - a 1992 singlewide, 2 bedroom/2 bath, 16x70. The home arrived safely to the park - thank goodness it was only going up the street!
Once the home got to the park, we had issues with the lot - had to get it releveled which set us back a few days. The park manager was awesome in having the park help pay for the materials to level the home. In order to have the home set properly, we had to take the hitch off. So, we ended up bringing in a welder to weld the hitch off. I spent more time and money with this process but it was definitely a learning experience.
Here's a pic of the home set in the park after re-leveling the lot

Now, I am in the process of getting the home hooked up - electrical, plumbing, and a/c. I'm going to start the plumbing first - it'll require digging and it's good the home is not very far from the water line. My plumber guys tell me it'll take a day or two to get the job done. They gotta pull permits and then pass inspection. After the plumbing's hooked up, I'll get the electric done - a lot of electricians are using aluminum wire nowadays b/c the price of copper is way high. We're talking $1.80 per foot vs $3.75.
Though, the issue w/the aluminimum wiring catching on fire if not tightened every couple of years really has me on edge. I discussed this issue w/my insurance agent and he strongly advised just to go w/copper so I wouldn't have to deal with this issue. I guess the aluminum wiring becomes an issue when it gets loose and it needs to be tightened so it won't catch on fire. Scary thought. Think I'll spend the extra money and go with copper.
Once the electric gets hooked up and passes inspection, then I'll be ready to deal w/the heating and a/c. The sellers told me the heating unit stopped a few years ago and thought it had something to do with the motor needing to be replaced. I'm hoping this is not a big issue - we'll see. I won't know until the electric gets hooked up and power gets turned on.
Well, this has certainly been a learning experience. Now, I know why Lonnie prefers to buy the mobiles in the parks already instead of moving them. It does take time and money to move these mobiles - I'm finding myself constantly managing these contractors and working w/the park manager to make sure we're all on the same page.
In the meantime, I do have the home on the market and have the park managers in the area sending people to the house. Once everything gets hooked up, it'll make the process a lot smoother.
All in all, it's definitely been a learning experience. Though, I am glad I went ahead with this deal. Going through this experience has certainly given me the knowledge to know what to expect for future mobile home moves.
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